Anger over 20-somethings pushing the lockdown rules
It's the virus that has sparked fear and disruption around the world. And New Zealand is not immune from this - we are now in a four-week lockdown to eliminate Covid-19.
So, how do we get through the coronavirus pandemic?
Kyle MacDonald is a psychotherapist and mental-health advocate and will answer your questions including:
I know a lot of 20-somethings who are pushing the boundaries of their quarantine, including meeting friends for "secret" drinks. I'm feeling so furious at them! There is little I can do, but have this burning frustration at them and have even lost sleep through my anger. I want to scream at them! How can I get my anger under control? I feel helpless and overwhelmingly frustrated that they may well be the reason we are all in lockdown longer. Grr! Regards, Frustrated Mama

Lockdown tips: Bubble of one enough to make you scream
It's the virus which has sparked fear and disruption around the world. And New Zealand is not immune from this - we are now in a four-week lockdown to eliminate Covid-19.
So, how do we get through the coronavirus pandemic?
Kyle MacDonald is a psychotherapist and mental-health advocate and will answer your questions including:
Bubble of one here. I keep busy. I walk. I Facetime, call, text and use social media. And yet, and yet ... I can feel myself coming unmoored by the lack of human contact. I've started having urges to scream. Other times I feel like burying my head in a pillow and crying. How am I going to get through the next three weeks (or more???) of lockdown?

Grumpy, trapped or alone: Solutions to your lockdown fears and worries
Kyle MacDonald is a psychotherapist and mental-health advocate and will answer your questions including:
Is it normal to feel grumpy about all of this? If so, how do you maintain a positive outlook?
I'm a British national in a bubble of one living out of a motel room in Christchurch. My usual sanctuary is outdoors in the wilds of nature. I have no local links and my small network of family members/friends are across the globe. What would you recommend for maintaining physical and mental wellbeing.

How to cope with the people in your lockdown bubble
It's the virus which has sparked fear and disruption around the world. And New Zealand is not immune from this - we are now in a four-week lockdown to eliminate Covid-19.
So, how do we get through the coronavirus pandemic?
Kyle MacDonald is a psychotherapist and mental-health advocate and will answer your questions in a twice-weekly column.

Best mind, body exercises in lockdown; how to calm panic-buying
It's the virus which has sparked fear and disruption around the world. And New Zealand is not immune from this - last night we began a four-week lockdown.
So, how do we get through the coronavirus pandemic?
Kyle MacDonald is a psychotherapist and mental-health advocate and will answer your questions in a new, twice a week, column.

Coronavirus: Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald answers your questions
It's the virus which has sparked fear and disruption around the world. And New Zealand is not immune from this.
So, how do we get through the coronavirus pandemic?
Kyle MacDonald is a psychotherapist and mental-health advocate and will answer four of your questions in a new, twice a week, column.

Top five columns of 2019: Kyle MacDonald
As we say goodbye to 2019 and welcome in 2020, it's a good time to catch up on the very best of the Herald columnists we enjoyed reading over the last 12 months. From politics to sport, from business to entertainment and lifestyle, these are the voices and views our audience loved the most. Today it's the top five from psychotherapist and Nutters Club host Kyle MacDonald.

Kyle MacDonald: Life as a white-privileged Shore boy with access to cannabis
I was fifteen when I first smoked cannabis. As a middle class white kid growing up in the 90s on Auckland's North Shore, it wasn't exactly hard to get hold of. Four people willing to chuck in $5 each, a short drive to a tinny house in Northcote, or a little further to Beachhaven.
Having said that a dozen cans of cheap beer was around $10, and most of the time I could find somewhere that would serve me - even though there was no mistaking me for 20. Tobacco was cheap, and even easier to get hold of.
But buying alcohol and tobacco at least meant going into a licensed premise. The people who served us were breaking the law, but we were safe.

Kyle MacDonald: My concerns over euthanasia in New Zealand
Having spent my entire professional career taking a stance against suicide, it's hard to know how to feel about euthanasia, or "assisted dying".
Yes, I know they're different things, but nonetheless, I struggle to know what to think or feel about the "End of Life Choice" Bill.
Emotionally, I get it. Having had people in my life die from debilitating conditions that were terminal - which meant suffering until death finally came - I understand the humane response would be to give those suffering in the final stages of their life more choice about when and how they may wish to die.

Kyle MacDonald: Why you trust some people more than others
I hate the phrase "identity politics" almost as much as I hate "political correctness." Both are invented phrases that are increasingly used by people to justify their prejudice and hate.
It's particularly ridiculous because all politics are about identity. In fact, it's not a stretch to say all of life is. Our identity - how we define ourselves - and the groups we are part of as a result, are integral to our psychological wellbeing, and social functioning.
Human beings are herd animals, and we naturally form groups, whether that be tribes, communities, work teams, or as followers of particular rugby teams.