Kyle MacDonald: Why you Shouldn't Always Live by the Rules
"I got told I'm a very black-and-white thinker. What does this mean?"
Life is full of rules. Some of them are useful, like driving on the correct side of the road. Others: less so.
Therapists distinguish between the "laws" we must live by, like which side of the road to drive on, and the beliefs we learn, from our family culture and experiences.
Some types of therapy really zero in on these beliefs, because they shape so much of our experience.

Kyle MacDonald: People Pleasing Can be Detrimental to Your Health
"What does it mean if I'm a "people pleaser"? Is it a bad thing?
It's one of those strange ideas in the self-help books isn't it? Who wouldn't want to please people, and how could that be a bad thing?
What we normally mean when we talk about some one being a "people pleaser" is someone who tends to put others needs, wants, desires ahead of their own. And there's the rub.

Suicidal thoughts: Sylvia Huitson has 'been there, done that got the T-shirt'
Sylvia was 22 when she got into an abusive relationship that almost led her to the brink of suicide, now 62 the New Plymouth woman looks back at that relationship in order to help others that are suffering.
Her original plan was to be an accountant. Instead, she turned to counselling, and has been self-employed for 10 years.
"This gives me the most pleasure because it's a hugely rewarding job. People feel better going out than when they come in."

Mike King Blocked From Speaking at South Canterbury School
Mental health crusader Mike King believes a "misinformed" fear-mongering campaign is to blame for several high schools withdrawing an invitation for him to speak to students.
Ahead of his keynote speech to the NZ First party conference on Sunday morning, King was invited to speak at eight schools in the South Canterbury region on self-esteem and keeping their "inner critic" in check.
However, Opihi College in Temuka, then retracted the invitation. They told King he was no longer welcome, after being contacted by South Canterbury District Health Board (SCDHB) suicide prevention coordinator Professor Annette Beautrais.

Student's mental health plan approved by Government
The loss of five friends to suicide has prompted one student to develop a programme to save the lives of his peers.
Now he's not only managed to get the Government on board to fund it - he's brought about a reconciliation between mental health campaigner Mike King and the Minister of Health.
Four years ago, Ezekiel Raui was sitting in a school hall listening to Mr King's first ever mental health seminar. Having lost five friends in recent months, it prompted him to come up with a plan of his own.

Julia Gillard Opens up About Mental Health
The former Prime Minister has shared her own experiences with mental health as she is appointed the chair of Beyond Blue
Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has opened up about her own struggle with mental health during her political career, as she steps into the role of the Beyond Blue chair.
Ms Gillard says that as Chair, she is hoping to work with Beyond Blue to help build resilience as part of charting a new course in the way that mental health is approached, with a particular focus on children. “We need to start this work with our kids, because resilient children become resilient adults,” she said.

Former Chief Coroner Neil MacLean Break The Silence on Suicide
Former chief coroner Neil MacLean says breaking the silence on suicide could curb the "horrifying" number of young New Zealanders killing themselves.
"This is a drum I've been beating for a long time. We cannot ignore the sheer numbers and rate - it's bigger than the road toll," said MacLean, who retired from the post in 2015.
New Zealand has the worst teen suicide rate (officially those aged 15-19) in the world and the second worst youth suicide rate (25 and under). Our annual number of deaths has shown no signs of abating in the past 20 years.

Mike King's Message of Hope to Students.
Mike King talks to Mana College about the importance of youth talking about their feelings. He said 40 percent of school kids have a suicidal thought before they leave school.
Mike handed out wristbands at Mana College that read "I Am Hope", which he encouraged youth to wear as a message to others.

New Plan for Community Hit Hard by Suicide
About five years ago, a spike in suicides hit one slice of New Zealand’s island community particularly hard. According to Ministry of Health data, in 2011, 11 Tongans took their own lives, and seven more committed suicide in 2012.
Most of the deaths were youths. In the preceding and following years [2010, 2013], the number of Tongan suicides stood at three in each year. Now, New Zealand’s first ethnic-specific resource on suicide prevention is being released. Based on research into Tongan youth suicides in New Zealand, the Heilala Malu framework - developed at the Auckland University of Technology

Lives Are on The Line, So Stop With The Butt-Covering
Mike King is a straight-up sort of guy. He calls a spade a spade. I don't know him well, but whenever I've spent time with him his authenticity has radiated from his heart. King cares about mental health. He cares about saving lives. He cares about people. And he won't waste his time with buck-passing and, as he calls it, "butt-covering". Not when inaction means that people will die.
That's the harsh truth when it comes to mental health. When the Government doesn't step up, people die. When struggling Kiwis follow the official advice and go to hospitals with suicidal thoughts only to be sent home a few hours later, people die.